Thursday, October 1, 2009

Queen of the Mountain...

Here are the pictures I promised of Maegan crawling. She has become a pro over night.

Last night, September 30, 2009, Maegan crawled over to her Daddy and pulled herself up to a standing position. It's so hard to believe that at barely 7 months old she is crawling all over everything and everyone and pulling up. She will be couch cruising in no time. Then it's on to walking. What a big girl!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

She's On the Move...

Today, September 19, 2009, Maegan took off crawling. She was on the bed and saw her Daddy and went racing towards him with a huge smile on her face. It was amazing to watch. She is getting so big so fast. Pictures to follow later...YAY MAEGAN!!!!!

Update Pictures

Maegan's first two teeth came in days apart around 4 1/2 to 5 months and are completely in now.

Maegan loves "tummy time"!

Maegan loves her Daddy

Maegan sat up all by herself on August 27, 2009.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Maegan and Me...

Here are a few pictures of Maegan and Me taken recently...


Ok, so it's been a while since I did an update. Maegan changes almost every day. She is up on her hands and knees and is trying desperately to crawl. She is almost there but doesn't quite have the hands and legs moving in unison. It's so funny to watch her. She gets up on all fours, has this very determined look on her face, moves a little and either falls flat or does a perfectly formed face plant. Then she gets back up and does it again until she finally gets mad. Once she gets mad she usually stays sitting with her adorable butt in the air and her face on the floor fussing. I bet she gets it within the next month.

She is sitting up on her own, just not for a very long time. She starts to lean and then topples over. Again, very funny to watch.

She also has two more teeth trying to cut through. The top front two and giving her hell. She is definately in pain but trying to be a good sport. Tylenol has become a very appreciated thing. She is chewing on everything she can get in her mouth, especially my hair.

In the last month Maegan has become very vocal. She talks alot. I can't really say she is forming words but definately alot of different sounds. She will actually stare at my mouth when I talk and you can see her trying to form her lips the same way. The wheels are turning. It's so amazing to watch her grow and develop right before my eyes.

She is getting so good at grasping objects in her hands. Michelle (my best friend) gave her a rubber block when we were taking pictures the other day and she loves it. She holds it in her hands and chews on vigorously.

I think Maegan is the happiest baby I have ever met. She smiles all the time. Even when she's in pain she will try to smile while she is crying. Her smile just makes life worth while.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Maegan Eats Solids

Maegan started eating solid foods last Wednesday July 22, 2009. We started with Cereal which seemed quite runny but she ate it anyway. Mom fed her while I took pictures and video. Since then she has been eating carrots, bananas and apple sauce. She loves it all.

Yesterday, July 30, 2009, Maegan cut her first tooth. It's amazing how fast she is growing up. She also rolled from her stomach to her back. She's been rolling from her back to her stomach for weeks now. She is trying so hard to crawl. She can get up on her arms and knees, just not both at the same time. She trys so hard and they gets mad when she can't do it.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Nick and I are lucky enough that one day a week while we are at work my mother (Grandma) takes care of Maegan. Most of the time my Dad (Papa) trys to get off from sork that day so he can help mom and play with Maegan. They are both so proud of their only grand child. They love her very much. And Maegan loves them and lights up every time she sees one of them.

4th of July Baby

A few weeks ago Michelle and I took some new pictures of Maegan. Her Mimi Lisa bought her an adorable 4th of July dress so we thought we would dress her up. She was pretty fussy but Michelle still got some good pictures. She is smiling like crazy and sitting up supported really well. Oh and she loves to stand. She is getting so big and strong.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Bluebonnet Baby

On Friday, April 24th (8 weeks old), Michelle and I took Maegan and Jack (Michelle’s 10 month old son) to Montgomery to take pictures in the bluebonnets. Maegan had her 2 month shots on Wednesday and was not feeling well. So she was less than cooperative and we didn’t get as many pictures as we hoped for. But we did get a few good ones that I thought I would share. Jack on the other hand was adorable. We sat him down in the middle of the flowers and I gave him a flower that he immediately shoved into his mouth. It made for some great pictures.

The last week of my maternity leave Mimi spent the week with us. We had a great time visiting and bonding with Maegan. Then Nick drove her home. We were all sorry to see her leave. When are you moving to Houston Mimi?
Did you notice the middle picture. Maegan is letting us all know that she has us wrapped around her little pinky finger! ;)

Our First Road Trip

On April 15th Maegan and I took our first road trip. We drove four and a half hours to Alexandria, Louisiana to see Mimi (Nick’s mom). Maegan slept the whole time. It was the first time Mimi and Maegan laid eyes on each other. And it was love at first sight. The three of us had so much fun. We went shopping, ate junk food and watched movies.

It didn’t take long for Maegan and Mimi to get comfortable and exhausted. Then it was nap time. Before we went home on Sunday, we all went to church to show everyone how beautiful Maegan is. After church I persuaded Lisa to come home with us and spend the week. I thought I would have to twist her arm, tie her up and stuff her in the trunk. But I guess Maegan’s beautiful smile was all it took because Mimi came along willingly. We drove the four and half hours in no time and Maegan slept the whole way to Conroe.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

At 5 weeks old we took Maegan's Easter pictures at Michelle's house. They turned out to be beautiful. She was awake for most of the shoot and not as cooperative as the first time. But we still got some good ones. Here are a few.

In this one I was holding her upright and she was starting to fall. Michelle snapped the picture at just the right time. This may be my favorite pictue.

I found this green dress at the store and it was the only one that looked "vintage" as Nick calls it. I just thought it looked like one I would have worn when I was her age. I think it looks so beautiful on here with her brown hair.

When Maegan was two weeks old my best friend Michelle took pictures of her. She slept through most of the photo shoot. She was very cooperative. The pictures turned out to be beautiful. Michelle takes fabulous pictures! I am blessed to have her in my life.

Pictures taken by Michelle Teeters.
We took Maegan home on Saturday, February 28, 2009. The first week or two was an adjustment for all of us. But my Mom was there to help from the beginning. And I was blessed with a wonderful husband. Nick is a wonderful hands-on daddy. He helps me give Maegan a bath and seems to enjoy it as much as I do. From the beginning Maegan has slept several hours at night and been pretty awake and alert during the day.

At Maegan’s first doctor visit she had not yet gained her weight back up to her birth weight. It was recommended that I give her formula at every breastfeeding. It didn’t take long to figure out that she didn’t like the milk based formula. We switched her to the soy formula her second week and she seemed to do better. She still has trouble with gas but appears to be a very happy baby. She is a very strong little girl. She was been holding her head of since the day she was born. And at four weeks old she started scooting on her belly. She hasn't quite figured out how to use her arms to crawl but she is so amazing.
Shortly after my first baby shower it felt like Maegan had shifted positions. The new position she was in was causing me extreme discomfort. But I was very excited thinking that she was head down and would most likely come soon. I went in for my 37 week appointment and they figured out that little Maegan was in the frank breech position. So she had been folded in half, head at the top, butt at the bottom and legs straight up near her head the whole time I was thinking she was head down. My doctor told me that it did not appear that she would move any time soon. So the following Friday morning I was addmitted to the hospital for a version. For those of us that have no idea what that means, they attempted to turn her over manually after giving mw medicine to relax the uterus. I never imagined that it would be so painful!!!!! They tried 3 times with no luck. Little miss stubborn didn't move an inch. So I was scheduled for a c-section on March 2nd at 4:30 pm.

We never made it to March 2nd, I started having contractions at 2:30 am Thursday, February 26, 2009. I really wasn't sure if I was in labor at first. It was kind of comical, I was looking up labor pains on the internet at 4:00 in the morning. By 5:30 am the contrations were 7 to 10 minutes apart and coming really strong. We arrived at the hospital around 8:00 am and were immediately addmitted to labor and delivery. Maegan was delivered by c-section at 11:31 am at Herman Memorial Hospital of The Woodlands. She was 6 lbs. 11 oz., 19 1/2 inches long with a full head of jet black hair. It was the greatest day of my life.